Bio-Energy Weight Loss Support

“After two distant bio-energy sessions I felt really uplifted and full of energy – but the best thing is that I stopped snacking between meals. I just didn’t feel like it anymore!”

M. B., Poland

A combination of Bio-Energy Therapy and Coaching Sessions to help you shed those extra pounds for good without starving and self-torture.

Problems with weight management usually have 3 components:

  • physical component (hormonal, food intolerances, digestive issues etc.)
  • psychological component (trauma, limiting beliefs, low self-esteem etc.)
  • dietary habits and inadequate diet leading to weight gain

Bio-Energy Therapy will uplift you and help you get rid of cravings. Pic: Sun Hug by Sabi Krabi

Problems with digestion and hormonal imbalances as well as stress are addressed with Bio-Energy Therapy.

Psychological stress, emotional problems and traumas leading to overeating, comfort eating and inadequate diet are addressed by a unique combination of Bio-Energy Therapy and Coaching/ Counselling.

During coaching sessions I use mostly Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin (for releasing painful emotions) and ThetaHealing® (for changing limiting beliefs).

In short, Bio-Energy Therapy helps deal with physical issues and stress whereas Coaching provides guidance and tools for dealing with difficult emotions. Coaching will help you regain inner peace, develop inner strength and better coping strategies and simply feel happier so that you will not need to reach for sugary snacks to lift your mood anymore.

A happy, relaxed and radiant woman usually doesn’t experience food cravings and finds it natural to maintain a steady and healthy body weight. She also loves her body much more than a stressed one!

Holistic treatments such as a combination of bioenergy healing and coaching sessions address the roots of your excessive weight and help you resolve the issues that caused you to gain weight in the first place. This strategy promises much more stable and long-term results than fad diets and over-exercising which only destabilise your system and demotivate you due to lack of durable effects.


Following a healthy, moderately caloric diet is required for the treatment to bring results. Both bioenergy healing and coaching support will help you maintain adequate diet.

You might also need to test yourself for food intolerances and adjust your diet to the results.

Bio-Energy & Coaching Weight Loss Package™: 4x 1-hour Bio-Energy Therapy sessions + 1x 1-hour Coaching Session €225

(save €25 if you buy a 5-session bundle)

Please check out our offer of Healing Retreats on Achill Island, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Why not treat yourself to a wonderful few days’ break in the stunning setting of Ireland’s biggest and most beautiful island? Nature can be a great healer, especially in such a magical healing place as Achill Island.

In partnership with Achill Island Holidays we offer package deals including accommodation (with breakfast) in central location, healing sessions and a dinner with wine on the night of your choice. Extras such as childcare, transport and activities can be arranged on request.

The treatment can  also be conducted distantly – we offer distant healing via Skype.

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